Following our recent site updates we now list a veritable cask load of micropubs, 477 at our last count. There’s still more to add but we’re slowly becoming the best resource to find a micropub near you.
When we hear about a micropub we always try to verify (ideally in person) that the micro does exist. Now as much as we’d like to say we’ve had a pint in all 477, the reality is that most of the verification happens online. Most businesses these days have an online identity of some sort, and a big part of this identity is the logo.
Micropubs are no different and we’ve had great pleasure seeing all the different logos that they’ve come up with. Some of the owners we’ve spoken to have had an image in their mind since they had the original idea whilst others have even paid money to get a professional logo designed. Regardless of how they came up with the logo it’s become a big part of their online identity.
Now we’re not designers by any stretch of the imagination, although we do like our little hops logo, so the following is purely our opinion. Remember beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. So here are, what we consider, our top 10 micropub logos:
10. The Kentish Belle

Not sure why we like this logo so much, but we do like the style. Arty design types might have a word for it, is it art deco? We don’t know, but who doesn’t love a good old train!
9. The Itchy Pig Ale house

Come on, it’s a pig scratching it’s bottom!
8. The Bard Micropub

Simple but effective, very well done.
7. The Dog and Rabbit

We can’t quite make out if the outline is supposed to be a dog or not, but we like it.
6. The Station House

Ok fine, we’ll admit it, yes we like trains.
5. The Hat

Or to give it’s full name, All Hat but No Cattle – who would’ve thought a cowboy hat on a bull would work, but it does!
4. The Waiting Room

The train theme continues…maybe it’s not just us?
3. The Town Mouse Ale House

Another dandy chap – absolutely love this nod to the old classic tale.
2. The One Eyed Stag

This logo is simply beautiful and elegant in it’s simplicity.
1. The Dandy Cock Ale House

Never has a logo described the micropub’s name more perfectly than this. We love it! And wait till you see the inside of this micro.
So there you have it. What do you think, did we miss any out? Let us know in the comments below.