James Duddy and Jessica Bravinder planned to open a new micro-pub in Kentish Town by refurbishing former book store “The Hellenic Bookservice”. However, their application to open “The Pickled Polecat” micro-pub was refused by the Camden Council at the Town Hall this week due to neighbours objecting to the idea, claiming that the micro-pub would be a “source of additional noise and disturbance”.
From the planning officers report, Gideon Wittingham said: “Whist it can be acknowledged that those living on a trafficked road above commercial units can expect or at least become accustomed to a certain level of background noise, the nature and associated activity of the proposed use would likely be a source of additional noise and disturbance to a significant number of local residents at times when they are entitled to a degree of tranquillity.”
CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) have written urging the council to support the micro-pub proposal.